In keeping with my new outlook on life, I will focus on the good things...
*I have had the opportunity to make some big changes in my life and they have been wonderful so far.
*I live with two amazingly crazy people that I wouldn't trade anything for. They have welcomed me into their home and essentially into their family. They keep life real and entertaining and I am so glad to know them.
*I was lucky enough to have my company pay for me to take a class and the certification exam for professional (medical) coding. I passed the exam and am now a Certified Professional Coder.
*I am so thankful to be back in my hometown. I'm not sure that I belong here for the long haul, but I love being close to family and friends.
*I am also thankful for the amazing friends that I have made through volunteering. Friends that have become a huge part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
*I am extremely excited that my sister, who got married in April and moved across the country (literally) in May, is coming home for a visit. Although she won't be accompanied by her husband, I know that she will have a blast spending time with her friends and family.
*I really am thankful for the little things...a roof over my head, a car to drive (got a new one a little over a month ago...2005 Malibu Maxx...I love it!), a job that I don't mind going to every day and have wonderful coworkers, family and friends that love me no matter what I put them or myself through, discovering new things, being able to see and hear things all around me...the little things really do matter.
Those are just a few positive things to look back on. I am so excited to have discovered things about myself and to have adapted to new things coming my way. One more big change to come early this new year (that is planned anyways) and that will be a hard one, but I am ready and I know that I have a lot of friends and family to help support me.
So...although I do have a list of goals for the new year, this is all I'm sharing right now.