April 19, 2011


Wow! What a great couple of weeks!
Spent 2 weekends ago with great company. Did some dancing, some karaoke, some swimming...and just had a blast!
This past weekend was my baby sister's wedding! She was gorgeous! The whole weekend was so much fun.

So...2 weekends ago, I cheated a little on my food and still managed to drop 3.9 pounds! That brought my total to 18.2 pounds lost in 4 weeks.
This past weekend I also ate a little food I wasn't supposed to at the reception (Come on, who can pass up my daddy's homemade rolls, or delectable pulled pork from Sage's, and my momma's hillbilly green beans!), and still dropped 3 pounds even. That brings my total to 21.2 pounds in 5 weeks. Whew!
I feel it, but I don't see it much. Others say they can see it in my face. I guess that's good:) I feel it in the way that my clothes are fitting. I put on capris from last year just the other day and they fell right off my butt!
Now, if only this weather would cooperate so that I can get out there and do some walking or something...

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